Reflection 4

Which specific parts of SHIP have helped you learn the most over the past three days?

What challenges have you encountered when writing code, and how did you make progress when faced with a challenge?


  1. 1.getting help from the ta's
    2.while loops were difficult, and i made progress by^

  2. 1. Working with a partner helped me learn the most.
    2. Remembering the exact format of a code was challenging, but working with a partner helped.

  3. working together has helped my learn the most.

    the biggiest challange for me in coding was for looping

  4. 1) having enough people helping that there is always someone available, and the processing reference. That this is awesome.

    2) anything requiring an algorithm of some sort, because that has never been my forte. Help from the TAs were the best help in those cases.

  5. Learning new stuff, what else? Specifically, when the teacher/TA helped us with the lesson. Another part that I'd like to mention that was interesting to me was when we got to experiment with the reference page ourselves. It was pretty cool to teach ourselves that way, and what we think would be nice to teach ourselves. If that makes any sense.

    With all of these variables, my face is dying.. ;w; I am very organized with my code, but the techniques that I use are not convenient at all, and are in fact so confusing. The teacher/stewards/teacher's assistant helps me, and although I still feel a little bit unsure and confused, I manage to understand the concepts more than I would without their help.

  6. What helped me learn the most over the past three days was getting the chance to actually practice and use what i would learn. With the help of TAs teachers I would be able to understand where i was making mistakes and fix them. The biggest challenge was getting the hang of it and figuring out how to write the code properly. With help I was able to understand it and complete the task.

  7. The parts of SHIP that have helped me learn the most over the past three days was being able to work in partnerships and the assistance of the TA's and teachers that are in the classroom because they help out when we are stuck.

    The challenges that I have encountered when writing code is that there are many errors that can be easily made without being careful. Also, the structure of my code may be a bit off. I made progress when faced with these challenges by either working through myself and rereading or asking for help.

  8. I think what helped me learn the most at SHIP was using what I learned to make different projects. I feel that it helps to learn skills by applying them to certain tasks.

    One thing that challenged me was when I was supposed to draw objects on the screen, I had to figure out what the coordinates were relative to certain positions. I was able to overcome this challenge by thinking out the problem.

  9. 1. Working with TAs and with partners have helped me over the last couple of days.
    2. Formating code was challenging but got better after help form TAs and partners.

  10. 1.getting help from the ta's helped me a lot in what i was confused.
    2. sometimes the code was a little bit difficult but after researching and some patience the experience acquired was great.

  11. I learned the most from working with different partners for the past few days.

    I made many errors by just being careless and making small mistakes that can mess up the entire program. I usually got help from a TA and figured out how to fix my mistakes.

  12. Working with a partner and ta's helped me learn over the past three days.
    Some challenges I uncounted was remembering how to format the code and what goes where. Working with a partner helped.

  13. 1. What helped me the most was working in a group since I could ask others for help if they know it. If not, I can either ask the TA's or the teacher. Also, having the sample code displayed on the projector did help start the new topic.
    2. The problem I have is loop. It's confusing when you have a loop inside a loop. For the most part, I can ask my partner, but sometimes this topic confuses him too, so I looked for help from the TA's or teacher.

  14. The TAs have helped the most as far as being able to give me one on one help with things that i didn't quite understand.

    some challenges that i have faced was not understanding the formulas. i moved past these obstacles by asking what each part of the formula meant to comprehend it as a whole.

  15. Over the past few days, being able to work with a partner really helped a lot when trying to create something; it helped having a second opinion/perspective. It also helped that the TA and teacher helped us throughout the projects.
    When trying to understand how to use the for loop, it was pretty challenging at first. But after working with it a bit more and having other people explain it differently, it helped me better understand what the for loop is and how to format it.

  16. Practice after each new lesson/concept, the partnership with other shipmates, and the assistance from the TA's have helped me learn over the past three days.

    I have had trouble with syntax, and I am still not that comfortable with for loop

  17. 1. Doing things after learning them
    2. Not knowing how to do things in Python, but that's just a matter of looking it up.

  18. 1 Being able to experiment on my own really helps
    2 Mope for 2 seconds, then try to find how to solve it

  19. 1. The teachers and TAs
    2. Errors, tried to fix the error.

  20. The talks on the board

    I looked it up on the Googles

  21. 1. The most helpful part was working together. Because I benefit from working in groups.
    2. Trying to resolve the problem with my UFO army, because i did not know how to use the for code correctly.

  22. 1. Having the instructors demo a sample of code in the beginning then have us write our own code based on the demo.
    2. Running parts of my code before the entire script was run.

  23. 1:Coding with new commands/functions/ideas
    2:Today one of the teachers made a false statement that significantly screwed up one of my functions' effectiveness, but by collaborating with a friend we were able to fix and optimize it.

  24. 1. Getting tutorials, help from the TAs, and working with a partner has helped me learn.

    2. The hardest part of coding is remembering the technicalities with semicolons and curly brackets because every little thing will prevent the code from working. Progress was made by simply proofreading the code multiple times.

  25. The teachers have been very helpful; any question I had was answered in a way that made me think to figure it out. They werant just giving me the answer (Which they shouldnt!)

    Dictionaries are kind of confusing. {}'s get confusing as im still not quite sure where to put them and what they entitle. Everything about dictionaries is a jumble in my head.

  26. The thing that helped me learn the most was having people come in and help us.

    One challenge I encountered was making the for loop, I made progress by asking the ta's for help.

  27. 1. Working with the TAs helped me
    2. I have had trouble with the syntax of python

  28. 1) TA's are really helpful to have for one on one help.
    2) Lists mess me up. Often have to convert them.

  29. 1. The parts where I get to just code helps me learn.
    2. Sometimes the code does not work when I expect it to, debugging is a painful process that involves squinting at the screen.

    Random sentences:
    the tiny cold Stanley drives Josh!
    potato runs Stanley!
    Paris climbs curiously!
    a mouth !
    train murders tree!
    Paris climb mouth!
    puppy destroys quickly!
    swell monkey drives cheese smoothly!
    tree swims intelligently!
    Topher climbs easily!

  30. 1. Error messages, Stanley, more of the TAs, and looking some issues up
    2. Syntax errors which make you rewrite 3 functions only to realize you typed 3 letters wrong, or when you rewrite the same 3 functions only to realize that you had mistyped 1 letter and used the wrong variable totally breaking your code, Adj =/= adv

  31. 1. Getting help from the TA's and my partners has helped me learn the most over the past few days,
    2. I had problems with my code not being concise and I had some difficulty with using the function import to import files as we had used import to import built-in modules. I made progress by asking for help from the TA's.

  32. 1. the interaction between students and teachers
    2. understanding what to write and how to do it. I made progress with the TAs help and the teachers, but mainly the reference.

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  34. 1) TAs
