Reflection 14

Missile / Wheelhouse Rooms

You are now tasked with co-developing a large project! Describe some of the challenges (plural) you faced when trying to implement your designs. Describe how you were able to make progress towards overcoming these obstacles. (What tools/techniques/etc.)

Engine Room

a) List and briefly explain at least three things you heard during this afternoon's presentation/feedback round that influenced your own project development.

2) What was your coolest discovery and/or accomplishment today?

III) Arrrrr ye ready for Pirate Day?


  1. it was hard makeing the circles grow and then shrink.
    i was able to overcome this by useing the dist function

  2. Because we were working on two different computers, when bringing our entire project together, we had trouble with combining the different elements. this was solved by a little patience and help from the TAs.

  3. One of the problems my group faced was compiling our individual codes easily into one working code. We found dropbox was kind of annoying for sharing code, and instead started to share a few lines of code at a time, which made it easier to all have the same code. Additionally, we seemed to have a little bit of a problem with getting started/figuring out who should do what, but once we actually got started everything started to run more smoothly.

  4. A challenge with the project so far is that almost nothing worked the first time. Another challenge was getting the ball to bounce of the bricks. With the help of the two teachers and margaret we were able to advance and by the end of the day get the ball to bounce off of the top of the brick.

  5. We havent got to the design part yet but the challenge thst we are are facing our is getting the ball to bounce off the bricks at every angle but we made progress by creating more functions that check for collisions

  6. One challenging thing was to make text move with the ball. Another challenging thing was square roots.

  7. Some of the challenges we encountered were being so confused. We also forgot to save our correct code, and accidentally saved our incorrect code and uploaded it to Dropbox.

    We were able to overcome these obstacles because our awesome TAs! They are the best ever! GIve me my points! They explained everything crystal clear! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ (●´ω`●)

  8. 1) Going insane
    2) We didn't progress
    TAs are helpful give them raises

  9. 1. Some of the challenges we faced when trying to implement our designs include, but are not limited to, the fact that our code had NO errors in it but that it does not do exactly what we wanted it to do. Also we have encountered extremely awkward effects when we ran ran our code for the game.
    2. After we got around to figuring out what the (very transparent) "error" was, we were able to make the necessary changes needed to let the objects do exactly what we wanted them to do. As to the awkward effects, well my team mates and I haven't exactly gotten around to fixing that as yet so that's sad for now.

  10. Some people decided to incorporate many APIs into their project which we may use for our project. I learned that there are tons of APIs to choose from...

    Not sure bout pirate day...

  11. One of the problems i that when we have the same idea but different ways to accomplish that idea, but we can make it work if we try hard. Also another problem is that sometimes you get lostwith the other code that your team mates wrote.

  12. A huge problem we faced today was adding on to the other pairs work. they wrote a code and we had to add something using that code. we spent all day trying to figure it out and realized the problem was not with our code but the other code. we fixed the problem by spending house staring at code.

  13. a) Javascript, Css, html
    2) Javascript
    III) Aye aye, outdated references!

  14. 1. Nothing, because my plan was already solidified in my mind.

    2. My biggest accomplishment was fixing up my code until it worked, only to realize that the API I was accessing did not actually support all of what my code was supposed to do.

    3. No

  15. Some problems arose when we combined our code. If something wasn't working when it was sent and wasn't well communicated, it could have created several problems. Another problem could have been if code different groups worked on conflicted when merged. It usually just required some debugging to fix.

  16. A challenge we had was getting everyone on the same page when we split up the work for pair programming. In addition, combining all the code together and making it work was another problem. I think that the large scale of the project comes with huge lines of code and that the organization can be really messy at times. We were able to overcome them by talking with our steward and communicating with the rest of our group members.

  17. One of the challenges that we faced was that we had to rewrite things a lot as well as do some calculations that we didn't quite understand at first.

    After writing and planning some things out we were able to get some (most) of our functions working

  18. 1) Pygame(for development), playing Adventure(for inspiration), and team names (to look cool).
    2) Pygame is really neat for games.
    3) yarrgh me matey

  19. A major challenge today was trying to make the ball bounce of the brick. So far the ball only bounces of the bottom and top of the brick. And we still are having some complications with that.

  20. 1. Planets, photo, stuff.
    2. CSS3 animations and HTML5 stuff
    3. Naaaahhhh Bra

  21. 1. It influenced my thought process on user interface and actually how the site woudl be used and interacted with . People such as Lev gave feedback that started really shaping the front end stuff in my mind.
    2. I found that the soundcloud API seems pretty easy and also that you can easily make a small amount of code look cooler then it really is with some CSS

  22. The project is working out well at the moment. I still face some of the most important challenge in group work is input from the members. It seems like I'm the group leader, since basically I decide what we're going to do. I do hope to get more criticism, suggestion, and comments from my members. I can't do all the thinking and guessing work by myself since it would be base on my opinion and my want. Others might hate it, but they don't say it, so I don't know what they want.

  23. 1.making piranha plants
    2.we extended the pipe function

  24. It was kind of challenging to work on my own. So, my group decided to do more pair programming.It made everything go a lot smoother and we made much more progress on our game than we would have if we kept working alone.

  25. Initially we faced challenges with dividing the task, and merging the codes.

  26. So far, I've had a lot of fun with this project. My group tried to make a delay to the addition of a new object in an ArrayList but we didn't know how to. Instead, we used teleportation.

  27. Some challenges my group faced were figuring out how to manipulate statistical information, positioning the objects on the screen, and making sure information was consistent throughout the code. We were able to make progress by brainstorming ideas of how to process the information, and we researched new ways to make certain functionalities of the program.

  28. the biggest challenge so far has been keeping one version of the code. Because we have two groups working on separate goals, the code changes in little ways that aren't always obvious and make merging a tedious affair. Other than that, the usual stumbling over syntax errors and problem solvings. I'm trying to get a series of dots to spawn in an irregularly shaped area, and the solution has proved tryingly elusive.

  29. a) Possibly using web APIs, putting pygames into flask and possibly using html/css animation for our game

    2) There is a lot of stuff I still don't know about python

    III) No
    What is with the three different types of lists?

  30. I was flabbergasted when I saw that my vision wasn't clear. The alternative, I thought was more stogy, but much less impractical. I'd say our team put in an acceptable amount of work today though our team would be lost without Roz and Chloe.

  31. Adris Jaoutakas (Ignore profile name)

    a) Always keep in mind the plausibility of ideas and acknowledge the processes within the project that might seem trivial at first, but could lead to problems.

    2) I discovered the importance of group planning and review when dealing with projects, and one cool thing that I did was incorporate sorting algorithms into my website.

    III) Aye aye, captain.

  32. 1. Hearing about Pygame from Benji's group helps us create our game. Listening to other groups ideas helped us acknowledge that we needed a story for our project and also helped us realize that coding games would need to take a lot of files that would cause our program to be slow.
    2.My coolest accomplishment was being able to create a webpage with my tea m that found the the amount of time it would take to get to a certain galaxy in the fastest spacecraft.

  33. 1, We had not too many corrections since our ideas was mostly perfected.

    2.Making our code work after countless hours staring at each other. Thank the TAs for that.

    3. Without a coherent and collaborative team of pirates, pirate day will just be like crazy hair day

  34. a) Possibly using web api's. Figuring out how to host pygame on a webserver. Random level generation using lists and variables.
    2) Coolest discovery had to be figuring out that im actually excited for this project... even though I didnt get the project i wanted
    III) Of course matey.

  35. 2) Finishing and presenting my project was my biggest accomplishment today
